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New User Registration!

This site is intended only for members and retirees of Coquitlam Firefighters Local 1782 . Please register to access the Members only resources. All active members are asked to include two emergency contacts and phone #'s. If possible please provide the names of two people that do not normally travel with you. Please include their names and home phone and cell # if available. All information will be considered confidential and can only be accessed by the website administrators.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
Postal Code: *
Country: *
Phone: *

Cell Phone:
Format (no spaces or dashes): xxxxxxxxxx
Select Your Cell Phone Provider:

Send Me Text Message Alerts:
E-Mail Address: *

Allow other members to view my email address
Confirm E-Mail Address: *

Emergency Contact #1: * Emergency Contact #2: *
Choose Username: *

(DO NOT use spaces)
Choose Password: *
Password Strength:

Strong passwords contain 3 of the following items and at least 6 characters:

- Uppercase Letters
- Lowercase Letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
Click the Preview button below to review the registration information on the next page.

* Required Fields
Coquitlam Firefighters Local 1782
1300 Pinetree Way
Coquitlam, British Columbia V3B 7S4

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